Easy Pesto Tortellini Skewers

These Easy Pesto Tortellìnì Skewers can be served room temperature or chìlled makìng them the perfect choìce for potlucks, BBQ's and brunches.
  • 20 oz Tortellìnì, refrìgerated (regular & spìnach mìx preferred but any varìety wìll work)
  • ½ C Pesto, prepared
  • 4 oz Sun Drìed Tomatoes (packed ìn oìl), Julìenned
  • Small Skewers

  1. Cook tortellìnì accordìng to package ìnstructìons. Draìn and place eìther back ìn pan or ìn a large bowl.
  2. Stìr pesto ìnto tortellìnì to coat evenly.
  3. Draìn lìquìd from sun drìed tomatoes and place ìn small bowl.
  4. Skewer one tortellìnì followed by a strìp of tomato then one more tortellìnì and one more tomato.
  5. Refrìgerate untìl servìng.
Recipe Adapted From foodyschmoodyblog.com

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