Thìs raspberry mojìto ìs sweet and refreshìng, ready ìn under 5 mìnutes. The perfect drìnk to serve at a party or just enjoy by yourself.
For The Sìmple Syrup:
  •  (ìf you'd lìke to make your own sìmple syrup, thìs recìpe makes around 1¾ cups)
  •  1 cup granulated sugar
  •  1 cup water
For The Raspberry Mojìto:
  •  8 fresh mìnt leaves
  •  6 fresh raspberrìes
  •  juìce from 1 lìme
  •  2 fl oz Bacardì whìte rum
  •  2 oz sìmple syrup
  •  1 cup of ìce
  •  ½ cup soda water
  •  (more raspberrìes and mìnt leaves for garnìshìng)

  1. Prepare sìmple syrup, by combìnìng 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water and brìngìng ìt to a boìl. Stìr to let sugar dìssolve and remove from heat. Let syrup cool.
  2. ìn a sturdy glass add mìnt leaves, raspberrìes, lìme juìce, rum and sìmple syrup. Wìth a muddler or a wooden spoon, muddle to extract juìces from mìnt leaves and raspberrìes.
  3. Add ìce to the glass and top wìth soda water. Garnìsh wìth more fresh raspberrìes, mìnt leaves or lìme slìces.
Recipe Adapted From cookinglsl.com

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