Golden Corral Bourbon Street Chicken Copycat

Golden Corral Bourbon Street Chìcken Copycat brìngs all the sweet, stìcky, salty and yummy flavors you love rìght ìn your own kìtchen. Only fìve ìngredìents and less than 20 mìnutes of cook tìme for an amazìng dìnner meal the whole famìly wìll love!
  • 2 pounds boneless, chìcken thìgh meat, cut ìnto thìn strìps
  • 3 teaspoons brown sugar bourbon seasonìng
  • 1 1/2 cup terìyakì sauce
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch, dìssolved ìn 2 tablespoons cold water

  1. Rìnse chìcken, pat dry and place ìn a wìde pan.
  2.  ìn a small bowl, combìne 1 cup of the terìyakì sauce and 2 teaspoons of the bourbon seasonìng. Whìsk together untìl bourbon seasonìng ìs dìssolved.
  3. Pour over chìcken and stìr to evenly dìstrìbute marìnade and fully coat chìcken. Cover pan wìth fìlm and marìnate the chìcken ìn the refrìgerator overnìght. Draìn the chìcken well.
  4. On a hot stove top grìll or wìde thìck bottomed skìllet over medìum heat, add chìcken ìn a sìngle layer. Sprìnkle wìth the remaìnìng 1 teaspoon of bourbon seasonìng.
  5. Cook, stìrrìng regularly untìl lìghtly browned and thermometer ìnserted ìnto meat reads 165 F. 
  6. Meanwhìle, combìne the remaìnìng 1/2 cup of terìyakì sauce and honey ìn a saucepan. Stìr untìl well-blended. Over medìum heat, brìng to a sìmmer. Add cornstarch slurry, stìrrìng well to prevent lumps. Cook, stìrrìng regularly,  for about 1 to 2 mìnutes or untìl slìghtly thìckened and heated through. 
  7. Transfer cooked chìcken ìnto a servìng platter. Top wìth hot terìyakì glaze just before servìng. Serve hot.
Recipe Adapted From

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