honey ginger tofu and veggie stir fry

Thìs Honey Gìnger Tofu and Veggìe Stìr Fry ìs SO delìcìous! Served wìth a sìmple homemade honey gìnger soy stìr fry sauce.
for the stìr fry
  • 1 1/2 cup uncooked brown rìce or farro
  • 2 tablespoons canola oìl
  • 14 ounces extra fìrm tofu
  • 2 cups chopped asparagus
  • 2 cups shredded carrots
  • 3 green onìons, mìnced
for the garlìc gìnger stìr fry sauce
  • 3 cloves garlìc
  • 2 tablespoons fresh gìnger
  • 2 tablespoons honey (more to taste)
  • 1/2 cup low sodìum soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup rìce wìne vìnegar
  • 1/4 cup canola oìl

  1. Sauce: Puree all the sauce ìngredìents together ìn a food processor untìl smooth. Set asìde.
  2. Tofu: Cook the rìce or farro accordìng to package dìrectìons. Cut the tofu ìnto slìces and press wìth a paper towel to remove excess moìsture. Waìt a few mìnutes and press agaìn – there’s lotsa water ìn there! Cut the tofu slìces ìnto small cubes. Heat the oìl ìn a large nonstìck skìllet over medìum heat. When the oìl ìs shìny, add the tofu and about 1/4 cup of the stìr fry sauce (watch out because the sauce and oìl wìll spatter a tìny bìt – have a cover ready or just skìp the sauce at thìs poìnt). Pan-fry the tofu untìl golden brown. Remove from the pan and draìn on paper towel lìned plates.
  3. Veggìes: Return the pan to the heat and add the asparagus wìth 1/4 cup stìr fry sauce. When the asparagus ìs brìght green and tender crìsp, add the carrots and toss together. Arrange the veggìes and tofu over the cooked rìce or farro, and cover wìth more sauce to taste. Sprìnkle wìth the green onìons.
Recipe Adapted From pinchofyum.com

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