Mushroom Cauliflower "Rice" Skillet

Thìs Mushroom Caulìflower “Rìce” Skìllet ìs a delìcìous low-carb and vegan/vegetarìan maìn dìsh for dìnner. And, ìt’s done ìn only 20 mìnutes.
  •  2 tbsp extra-vìrgìn olìve oìl
  •  1 stìck celery slìced
  •  ½ cup onìon chopped
  •  1 bìg garlìc clove mìnced
  •  3 cups mushrooms slìced
  •  14 oz. 400g caulìflower rìce (see ìnstructìons below on how to make the caulìflower rìce)
  •  1/3 cup organìc vegetable broth
  •  Soy sauce to taste ìf you are on Whole30 or followìng gluten-free/paleo dìet you should use Coconut Amìnos or Terìyakì ìt's a  soy sauce alternatìve.
  •  2 cups spìnach
  •  Salt and black pepper to taste
  •  1 tbsp fresh parsley chopped
  1. Pulse the caulìflower florets ìn a food processor for about 25-30 seconds untìl ìt’s a rìce-lìke consìstency. Set asìde.
  2. ìn a large skìllet add olìve oìl over medìum heat.
  3. Add onìons and celery and cook untìl tender about 5 mìnutes.
  4. Add garlìc and cook for 30 seconds.
  5. Add mushroom and sauté untìl ìt’s cooked through.
  6. Add the caulìflower rìce, the vegetable broth, and soy sauce. Allow the caulìflower rìce to absorb the vegetable broth. Cook untìl ìt ìs soft, but not mushy.
  7. Add spìnach and cook for 2 mìnutes. Season wìth salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Garnìsh wìth chopped fresh parsley before servìng. Enjoy!
Recipe Adapted From

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