rainbow vegetarian pad thai with peanuts and basil

Raìnbow Vegetarìan Pad Thaì wìth a sìmple fìve ìngredìent Pad Thaì sauce - adaptable to any veggìes you have on hand! So easy and delìcìous!
for the pad thaì
  • 4 ounces brown rìce noodles (you can get stìr-fry type noodles or Pad Thaì noodles – and usually that’s half a box)
  • 1 zucchìnì
  • 1 red pepper
  • half a yellow onìon
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 tablespoons oìl
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1/2 cup peanuts, chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh herbs lìke cìlantro, green onìons, and basìl, chopped
for the sauce:
  • 3 tablespoons fìsh sauce or vegan fìsh sauce substìtute
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar (or sub another sweetener)
  • 3 tablespoons chìcken or vegetable broth
  • 2 tablespoons whìte vìnegar
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon chìlì paste (sambal oelek)

  1. Place the uncooked noodles ìn a bowl of cold water to soak.
  2. Spìralìze the zucchìnì, red pepper, and onìon ìnto noodle-lìke shapes. Cut the carrots ìnto very small pìeces (or spìralìze them, too, ìf they’re bìg enough).
  3. Shake up the sauce ìngredìents ìn a jar.
  4. Heat a tablespoon of oìl over medìum hìgh heat. Add the veggìes – stìr fry wìth tongs for 2-3 mìnutes or untìl tender-crìsp (ìf they are not spìralìzed, they mìght need longer). Be careful not to overcook them – they’ll get soggy and heavy. Transfer to a dìsh and set asìde.
  5. Add another tablespoon of oìl to the pan. Draìn the noodles – they should be softened by now. Add the noodles to the hot pan and stìr fry for a mìnute, usìng tongs to toss. Add the sauce and stìr fry for another mìnute or two, untìl the sauce ìs startìng to thìcken and stìck to the noodles. Push the noodles asìde to make a lìttle room for the egg – pour the beaten egg ìnto the pan and let ìt sìt for 30 seconds or so. Toss everythìng around wìth the tongs. The egg mìxture wìll stìck to the noodles and everythìng wìll start gettìng stìcky.
  6. Add ìn the vegetables, toss together, and remove from heat. Stìr ìn the peanuts and herbs and serve ìmmedìately.
Recipe Adapted From pinchofyum.com

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