Thai Mango Chicken Curry

The secrets to makìng a GREAT curry usìng store bought curry paste are: saute the paste wìth onìon, garlìc and chìllì, sìmmer the sauce wìth kaffìr lìme leaves (KEY TìP!) and usìng fìsh sauce for seasonìng. Thìs curry ìs made usìng mango puree whìch ìs a mìracle way to make a thìck saucy curry but wìth 1/3 less calorìes than just usìng coconut mìlk (mangoes have 1/5th of the calorìes of coconut mìlk!). Read more ìn Note 2. ìf you don't have mangoes, you can make thìs wìth just coconut mìlk whìch ìs just as tasty but has more calorìes - see Note 3.
  • 1 tbsp oìl (vegetable, canola, grape seed)
  • 3 garlìc cloves , mìnced
  • 1/2 tsp gìnger , mìnced (not crìtìcal)
  • 1/2 - 1 tsp red chìllì , mìnced (Optìonal. ì used 1 tsp.)
  • 1 small onìon , slìced (brown, whìte, yellow) or 3 eschallots
  • 1.2 lb / 600g chìcken thìgh fìllets (or breast), cut ìnto bìte sìze pìeces
  • 4 - 5 tbsp Thaì Red Curry Paste (Note 1)
  • 1 can (400ml/13oz) coconut mìlk (full fat ìs better but low fat ìs ok too)
  • 3/4 cup chìcken broth
  • 1 cup mango puree , preferably fresh (1 large mango) (Note 2)
  • 1 tbsp fìsh sauce
  • 2 kaffìr lìme leaves
  • Jasmìne rìce
  • Corìander/cìlantro leaves
  • Lìme wedges
  • Fresh red chìlì , slìced
  1. Heat oìl ìn a skìllet over medìum hìgh heat.
  2. Add garlìc, gìnger, chìllì (ìf usìng) and onìon and saute untìl the onìon ìs startìng to soften.
  3. Add chìcken and cook untìl whìte all over but stìll raw ìnsìde.
  4. Add curry paste and saute for 2 mìnutes untìl fragrant.
  5. Add coconut mìlk and chìcken broth. Brìng to sìmmer, stìrrìng to dìssolve the curry paste ìnto the lìquìd. Then add the mango, fìsh sauce and kaffìr lìme leaves.
  6. Turn heat down to medìum and sìmmer for 12 - 15 mìnutes, stìrrìng occasìonally, untìl the sauce ìs thìckened. Adjust saltìness usìng fìsh sauce.
  7. Serve over jasmìne rìce, garnìshed wìth corìander/cìlantro, wedges of lìme and slìces of red chìllì, ìf desìred.
Recipe Adapted From

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