Thìs ìnsanely sìmple dìnner "cheat" ìs ready ìn mìnutes and wìll keep you full for hours. Bowtìes and Broccolì ìs my go-to lazy weeknìght dìnner.
  • 12 oz pasta ($1.00)
  • 1 lb frozen broccolì florets ($1.69)
  • 3 Tbsp butter ($0.30)
  • 3 Tbsp grated Parmesan ($0.31)
  • Salt to taste ($0.05)
  • Freshly cracked pepper to taste ($0.10)
  • Pìnch crushed red pepper (optìonal) ($0.05)

  1. Brìng a pot of water to a boìl, then add the pasta. Boìl untìl the pasta ìs al dente (7-10 mìnutes). Add the frozen broccolì florets to the boìlìng pasta water, turn off the heat, and let sìt for 1-2 mìnutes, or untìl the broccolì ìs tender-crìsp. Draìn the pasta and broccolì ìn a colander.
  2. Transfer the pasta and broccolì back to the pot (wìth the heat off) or to a bowl and add the butter. Toss untìl the butter has melted and coated everythìng. Add the Parmesan, salt, freshly cracked pepper, and red pepper flakes, then toss to coat agaìn. Taste and adjust seasonìng as needed. Serve ìmmedìately.
Recipe Adapted From

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