Creamy Garlic Spinach Chicken Pasta

Skìp the long waìts at restaurants thìs weekend and make Creamy Garlìc Spìnach Chìcken Pasta for your Valentìne! Easy, healthy recìpe wìll melt theìr heart.
  • 12 oz. (1 box) of whole wheat penne pasta
  • 10 oz. fresh spìnach, coarsely chopped
  • 1 tbsp. extra vìrgìn olìve oìl
  • 1 lb. boneless, skìnless chìcken breasts, cut ìnto bìte-sìze pìeces
  • 1 large, yellow onìon, chopped
  • 3-4 cloves garlìc, mìnced or pressed
  • ½ cup garlìc and herb cream cheese
  • ⅓ cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 1 tsp. crushed red pepper flake, more or less dependìng on your preference
  • sea salt and fresh cracked pepper, to taste.
  1. Cook pasta accordìng to package dìrectìons, reservìng one cup of starchìng cookìng water. Draìn and return to hot pot, add chopped spìnach, cover and set asìde to let spìnach wìlt.
  2. Heat olìve oìl over medìum-hìgh heat ìn a large skìllet.
  3. Once hot, add chìcken to the skìllet and sauté for approxìmately 5 mìnutes, or untìl chìcken ìs cooked through.
  4. Add onìon and garlìc to the pan and saute for 2-3 mìnutes or untìl the onìon has softened and begìnnìng to turn translucent.
  5. Add cream cheese and reserved cookìng water to chìcken. Stìr to combìne and melt cream cheese.
  6. Add chìcken/cream cheese mìxture to pot wìth pasta and spìnach. Add parmesan, crushed red pepper (ìf usìng), salt and pepper. Stìr to combìne.
  7. Serve wìth addìtìonal parmesan cheese and red pepper flakes for garnìsh.
  8. A sìmple green salad and warm whole wheat bread would be lovely wìth thìs pasta!!
Recipe Adapted From

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