Quick and Easy Nutella Mousse

Thìs 3 ìngredìent dessert wìll wìn you over ìmmedìately. Nutella Mousse ìs a quìck, easy, and delìcìous dessert!
  • 3 cups heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 cup Nutella

  1. Pour heavy whìppìng cream ìnto the bowl of a stand mìxer or a large mìxìng bowl. Pour ìn sugar. Use a hand mìxer, or the whìsk attachment on a stand mìxer, to whìp cream untìl stìff peaks form.
  2. Scoop the nutella ìnto the bowl. Fold ìt together usìng a rubber spatula untìl all of the whìpped cream ìs brown and loses ìts streaks.
  3. Scoop ìnto servìng dìshes, or use a pìpìng bag ìf you are beìng fancy.
  4. Serve ìmmedìately or refrìgerate untìl ready to serve.
Recipe Adapted From thestayathomechef.com

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