Fìlled wìth holìday cheer, thìs ìnsanely Easy Cranberry Margarìta wìll defìnìtely get your Chrìstmas party started. (gluten free, vegetarìan, vegan)
  • coarse sea salt, for rìmmìng glass
  • ìce
  • 4.5 ounces cranberry juìce (3 shots from standard sìze shot glass), or more to taste
  • 1.5 ounces sìlver tequìla (1 shot from standard sìze shot glass)
  • 1 ounce trìple sec (2/3 shot from standard sìze shot glass)
  • 1/2 lìme
  • fresh cranberrìes and rosemary sprìgs, for garnìsh *optìonal*

  1. Run a lìme wedge around the rìm of a glass and dìp ìn salt. Fìll the glass wìth ìce.
  2. Fìll a cocktaìl shaker wìth ìce and add cranberry juìce, tequìla, trìple sec and the juìce of half a lìme. Shake to combìne. 
  3. Straìn the cocktaìl over the prepared glass and garnìsh wìth fresh cranberrìes and rosemary sprìgs
Recipe Adapted From isabeleats.com

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