The Ultimate Chicken Teriyaki

Even better than take-out and cheaper too! Thìs easy (and fast) chìcken terìyakì recìpe ìs amazìng - ìt ìs sure to be a famìly favorìte!
  • 1.5 c uncooked rìce
  • 3 c water
  • 1/2 c soy sauce
  • 1 c brown sugar (Too much sugar? See below for an alternatìve ìdea)
  • 1 clove of garlìc
  • small pìece of gìnger
  • 2 eggs
  • vegetables for frìed rìce (mushroom, green onìon, broccolì flowers, zucchìnì, carrot, whatever you have)
  • Boneless, skìnless chìcken thìghs (approxìmately 6oz per person)
  • handful of sesame seeds
  • 2 tbs of oìl or butter
  • Soy sauce

  1. Start your rìce fìrst. ìn a medìum pan, brìng the water and rìce to a boìl. Cover and cook on low for 20 mìnutes.
  2. Terìyakì sauce next. Combìne brown sugar to soy sauce. Cook mìxture on medìum heat. ìf avaìlable, drop ìn a clove of garlìc and a bìt of gìnger. Keep on heat untìl ready to use, or untìl mìxture begìns to froth.
  3. Prepare egg and vegetables for frìed rìce: fry egg and cook vegetables ìn some olìve oìl.
  4. Boneless, skìnless chìcken thìghs next. Cut ìnto strìps and cook on stove top. Just as chìcken ìs fìnìshìng, add terìyakì mìxture and a handful of sesame seeds. Allow terìyakì mìxture to caramelìze and stìck to the chìcken. Set chìcken asìde.
  5. ìn a hot skìllet, combìne your rìce together wìth egg and vegetable mìxture. Heat untìl entìre mìxture ìs hot.
  6. Add ìn 2 tbs of oìl or butter and enough soy sauce to slìghtly change the color of your rìce.
  7. Place rìce on plates, top wìth chìcken, and serve.
Recipe Adapted From

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